Seeing as this is my very first post on Medium where I plan to post my thoughts on blockchain technology (amongst other things), I thought it would be appropriate to call this my Genesis Blog(ck) post. As with the apes in Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, many people currently look upon blockchain technology with both a sense of curiosity and befuddlement, and hopefully this post about how this technology came to be will add to that…
Genesis Block
[1] In the beginning Satoshi Nakamoto created the Genesis Block.
[2] And the Genesis Block was without an antecedent hash, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Satoshi moved upon the face of the post–GFC blockless landscape.
[3] And Satoshi said, Let there be hashing: and there was hashing.
[4] And Satoshi saw the hash, that it was good: and the hash was 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f
[5] And Satoshi called the previous hash the ’previous hash(0)’ and the root hash the ‘root hash(1)’. And the previous hash(0) and the root hash(1) and the nonce(1) were the first block.
[6] And Satoshi said, Let there be a cryptographic SHA-256 algorithm in the midst of the blocks, and let it connect the blocks with the blocks.
[7] And Satoshi made the SHA-256 algorithm, and connected the Genesis Block(0) to block(1): and it was so.
[8] And Satoshi called the transactions ‘chain of blocks’. And the previous hash(1) and the root hash(2) and the nonce(2) were the second block.
[9] And Satoshi saw the cryptographic crunching of the CPUs; and the computational efforts of the miners to verify the transactions he called Proof-of-work: and Satoshi verified that it was good.
[10] And Satoshi said, Let the miners of the ‘chain of blocks’ not congregate unto one place but unto many to verify these blocks, and let them be rewarded with bitcoin in return: and it was so.
[11] And Satoshi said, Let the blocks bring forth immutability, the ledger yield trustless-ness, and the chain of blocks be distributed, whose ultimate goal is decentralisation and transparency, and consensus upon the earth: and it was so.
[12] And the blocks brought forth immutability, and the ledger yielded trustless-ness, and the chain of blocks became distributed, their ultimate goal being decentralisation and transparency: and Satoshi saw there was consensus and that it was good.
[13] And the previous hash(2) and the root hash(3) and the nonce(3) were the third block.
[14] And Satoshi said, Wait, all this late night coding has got me famished — I need me a pizza. And he transferred his buddy Lazlo 10,000 bitcoins to buy a pizza from Papa John’s on his behalf. And the pizza was *Hawaiian, and it was good.
[15] And Satoshi wrapped the leftover pizza and unused fork with the front page of The Times and threw it in the trash: and it was so.
[16] And Satoshi set forth the chain of blocks unto the public domain,
[17] And Satoshi ensured the chain of blocks was decentralised, and he ensured there was consensus,
[18] And to rule over the chain of blocks, the decentralisation and consensus would protect against a 51% attack and double spending: and Satoshi saw that it was good.
[19] And the previous hash(3) and the root hash(4) and the nonce(4) were the fourth block.
[20] And Satoshi said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving giant oceanic creatures that hath life,
[21] And Satoshi foresaw the great whales, and their ability to manipulate the markets, which they pumped and dumped: and Satoshi saw that it will not be good.
[22] And Satoshi warned them, saying, Preserve the sanctity of the ideals of decentralisation and leave your talk of ‘when moon’ and ‘lambos’ to the shillers and mindless lemmings.
[23] And the previous hash(4) and the root hash(5) and the nonce(5) were the fifth block.
[24] And Satoshi said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, the cattle, the beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
[25] And Satoshi eyed the cattle and foresaw a Proof-of-steak: and Satoshi saw that it may be good. But he preferred his unforked pizza.
[26] And Satoshi said, Let us make bitcoin in our image, after our likeness: and let bitcoin have dominion over the corrupt banks and financial institutions that led to the GFC, and over the foul of the inept government bailouts; and shower bitcoin over every unbanked person upon the earth.
[27] So Satoshi created bitcoin in his own image, in the image of Satoshi created he chain of blocks believers.
[28] And Satoshi blessed bitcoin, and Satoshi said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and maintain the cryptocurrency supply, but halve every 210,000 blocks until all 21 million bitcoins are exhausted; and to the miners he said For now you will be rewarded with bitcoin, but once exhausted, by transaction fees.
[29] And Satoshi said, Behold, I have given you every block bearing hashes, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every Merkel tree, in which are the transactions of the verified blocks; to you it shall be for financial freedom and independence.
[30] And to every corrupt bank, and to every foul financial institution, and to every inept politician and centralised government system that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is monetary control, I have given cause for you all to shake in fear, for the dawn of a new financial age has arrived: and it was so.
[31] And Satoshi saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And at the previous hash(5) and root hash(6) and the nonce(6) which was the sixth block, Satoshi walked off into the sunset and disappeared into the ether…
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